Broad Street Capital Markets provides comprehensive financial advisory services to clients involved in or considering a merger or acquisition, divestiture, leveraged buyout or other strategic financial decisions. The expertise of our team has proven helpful to clients involved in:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Capital Structure Optimizations
  • Strategic Planning 
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Research and Analysis
  • Surveys
  • Budgeting

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures

Our seasoned team has more than 30 years of experience navigating the complexities involved in the purchase, sale or acquisition. The investment professionals at Broad Street Capital Markets have been significantly involved in numerous domestic and international transactions on behalf of companies seeking to grow their business. 

Advisory Services

Capital Structure Optimizations

​We realize that the success of your business is greatly dependent upon your capital structure. Broad Street Capital Markets provides unrivaled corporate advisory services to help develop strategic plans that are consistent and allow for rapid implementation at the lowest cost possible. We utilize a highly customized approach that reflects your business goals and your company's risk tolerance. We carefully analyze your assets and liabilities and formulate a proposal to address both your immediate and longer-term goals.​​Strategic


​​Broad Street Capital Markets is available to assist senior management at any stage and to help identify opportunities, potential pitfalls and develop a strategy to help increase the value of your company. We complete a thorough evaluation of your business and develop our recommendations based on your industry and competition, impediments to growth, leadership strengths and opportunities, and the anticipated impact of a given strategy. 

Feasibility Studies

Our team is composed of investment professionals whose expertise in finance, operations, and human capital across industries and markets has proven invaluable to business leaders determined to understand the potential positive and negative outcomes of a proposed project or business venture. Broad Street Capital Markets works with stakeholders to conduct analysis and evaluation prior to the investment of capital as part of its advisory services.

​​Research and Analysis

Broad Street Capital Markets recognizes the importance of using sound qualitative and quantitative findings including financial modeling, customer feedback, product and/or market research and detailed analysis as the foundation for making critical business decisions. Whether the focus is a new business start-up or product launch, organization growth, or market diversification, Broad Street Capital Markets has the expertise to accurately assess your business venture.


Surveys are frequently used to engage audiences and gather information to help organizations make informed business decisions. We rely on a myriad of tools and techniques to capture customer, client, and employee insights that form a reliable basis for executive decisions. Our services include writing content, survey design, testing and focus groups, data compilation and analysis. Our surveys are designed with your business objectives in mind and our strategies are effective at eliminating bias and getting to the right information in a timely manner.


One of the areas in which we excel is providing planning services that focus on an organization's financial and operational goals. We work with business leaders to determine the source and proper allocation of resources, forecast income and expenditure, and identify key performance indicators of acceptable business performance.